EUAA Submission: Victorian Gas Access Arrangement Proposal 2023-2028

EUAA Submission: Victorian Gas Access Arrangement Proposal 2023-2028

Emily Wood | February 23, 2023

‘…This submission provides a combined response to the Revised Proposals presented to the AER by AGN, Multinet (MGN), and AusNet Services (AusNet) gas distribution networks in Victoria for the period 2023-2028. Both AGIG and AusNet Services are EUAA Corporate Partners so we have a well-established relationship built over many years of open and respectful dialogue covering a broad range of issues. This has helped all three organisations work through many of the complex issues that influence this proposal.

Regarding the 2023-2028 re-set, the EUAA has been deeply involved in the process to develop these revenue proposals beginning with our membership of the Expert Co-design Panel working with the three networks to develop a range of scenarios for a ‘Future of Gas’ models and then involvement in a range of engagement activities as part of the Victorian Gas Network Stakeholder Roundtable (VGNSR) and discussions with our members. Overall this engagement has been very high quality in a period of significant uncertainty on ‘the future of gas’.

In summary, the three revised proposals substantially accept the AER’s Draft Decision. The major area of continuing debate for EUAA members is the AER’s approach to accelerated depreciation (AD) to address the risks around future pipeline asset stranding. While accepting the role of AD to address this risk, the AER sought to balance the cost impact to consumers today with that on consumers in the future….’

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