EUAA Submission: Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Preliminary Design Consultation Paper |15 August 2022
Emily Wood | August 15, 2022
‘…We welcome this opportunity to respond to the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Preliminary Design Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and look forward to a productive, collaborative process with the Victorian Government. As always our mission is to ensure the long-term interests of consumers are met. As an independent group representing consumers we feel well placed to do so.
The EUAA support the pursuit of net zero targets and seek to achieve it at least cost, not at any cost. We argue that an efficient transition requires efficient transmission investment. We do not believe that over investment in transmission, in scale (far too big), timing (far too early) and cost (far too expensive) represents efficient transmission investment and is not in the long-term interests of consumers. If governments or other stakeholders want transmission investment to exceed efficient levels as defined by consumers (i.e. higher degree of reliability or lower levels of generator constraint), then they should be prepared to pay the extra cost…’
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