EUAA Submission: Victoria’s Renewable Gas Directions Paper
Emily Wood | February 12, 2025
‘… At the EUAA, we support the design of rules, legislation and procedures that achieve efficient, cost effective and equitable outcomes for networks, developers and consumers. As the proposed Victorian Industrial Renewable Gas Guarantee currently stands, it does not achieve these outcomes as it is trying to achieve a cost reduction for a limited group of end users with broad socialisation of the costs.
From that perspective, while we have promoted and support a preferential supply of renewable gases for the hard to abate industrial sector, we have not suggested this occurs while residential, commercial, and SME consumers are blocked from accessing renewable gases where this is the cheapest option for them. As a matter of principle, we have also not suggested or supported cross subsidisation of industrial access to renewable gases by the other sectors.
We have also not proposed that other commercial and industrial premises that government suggest are easy to electrify are excluded from an Industrial Renewable Gas Guarantee as it would appear they have in the proposal. We provide below the types of scenarios of large commercial and industrial consumers: …’
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