EUAA Submission: AER Values of Customer Reliability Methodology - Draft Determination

EUAA Submission: AER Values of Customer Reliability Methodology – Draft Determination

Emily Wood | April 9, 2024

‘… We have strongly supported past AEMO and AER VCR valuation processes and look forward to being able to do so again in 2024. Our objective in objecting to the expedited process is not to get a lower VCR. Our objective is to get a robust VCR that is the result of a comprehensive engagement process to give all stakeholders confidence in the methodology and results. The risk of failing to do that is consumers (and networks) lack confidence in the results.

This then rebounds on networks when they are seeking to meet their obligations under the Better Reset’s Handbook in their engagement on expenditure proposals reliant on the new VCR values.

Our focus here is on the need to give stakeholders confidence in the methodology for residential and small business customers. We are generally happy with the direct cost methodology being used for customer with demand >10MVA, though we would appreciate the opportunity to review the large customer questionnaire to ensure it reflects the actions our members are taking behind the meter to improve their reliability. They do not want to pay twice…’

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