EUAA Submissions: AEMO's Draft 2024 Electricity Consumption and Demand Side Participation Forecasts

EUAA Submissions: AEMO’s Draft 2024 Electricity Consumption and Demand Side Participation Forecasts

Emily Wood | June 12, 2024

‘…AEMO has created models for electricity consumption and DSP as inputs into the 2024 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) and presented these to the FRG.  While we agree or have no opinion on most of the modelling and the assumptions behind those models, we have prepared this submission to recommend amendments to some assumptions as they relate to modelling of potential actions of our members, large commercial and industrial energy consumers.

While the assumptions used by AEMO that lead to systematic errors in the ESOO do not have as significant a financial impact on consumers as similar sized errors in ST PASA or PD PASA (which influence wholesale prices and directions costs), we are aware that NSPs base their planning timeframe (and therefore a component of their regulatory pricing reset proposals) on the ESOO.  Additionally, governments also respond to challenges identified in the ESOO with interventions, that either cost the taxpayer or consumers.  We therefore consider that the assumptions used in the modelling used as inputs to the ESOO should be as accurate as possible and provide a balanced perspective of the NEM…’

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