Farewell Minister Lynham; a Fierce Defender of Qld Energy Users Who Set The Standard For Stakeholder Engagement.

Farewell Minister Lynham; a Fierce Defender of Qld Energy Users Who Set The Standard For Stakeholder Engagement.

Emily Wood | September 11, 2020

Leading advocate for large energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), joined others in farewelling Queensland Minster for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Dr Anthony Lynham MP, wishing him well in his future endeavours and encouraging others to follow the standard he set in stakeholder and political engagement.

“Minister Lynham set a new standard for stakeholder engagement that should be a benchmark that other Ministers strive for,” said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Richards.

“As Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Anthony Lynham was always keen to listen to a wide range of views, happy to take advice and learn from others. Above all, he was a fierce defender of Queensland energy users.”

The EUAA engaged with Minister Lynham on many issues on behalf of large energy users, including discussions around securing gas via the ongoing rollout of new gas tenements for domestic purposes.

“If we had more Ministers like Anthony Lynham, we would all be better off,” said Mr Richards. “Anthony should be proud of his achievements as Minister and we wish him well.”

Large energy users employ millions of Australians and make essential goods used by the community each day including glass, toilet paper, food, building materials, and packaging. Then EUAA represents around 100 very large energy users operating across Australia.

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Media Contact: Emily Wood 0421 042 121

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