Has enough been done in SA energy markets to protect supply during the summer peak?
Emily Wood | September 28, 2017
The EUAA South Australia Energy Forum, on October 24 in Adelaide, will examine this and other critical energy market questions during a one-day forum designed to enable participants to ask tough questions and be part of the conversation.
Key energy market players including AGNL, AEMO, CEFC, State government and opposition, AGL, Clipsal, Greensync, Adani Renewables and Schneider Electric will share their knowledge, critical analysis and future thinking on SA specific energy issues, covering topics including:
• Political and regulatory update;
• Networks;
• Gas and electricity market outlook;
• Energy efficiency; and
• Alternative energy options available now and on the horizon from both new and established business.
Learn more about this important event, including how to secure your place here.