Message from the CEO
Emily Wood | March 28, 2017
On Monday 27th March the EUAA attended the first of what is expected to be a number of meetings with the Federal Government to assist in resolving the current gas crisis and to ensure the long-term commercial sustainability of both the market and member companies.
The communique from Ministers Sinodinous, Canavan and Frydenberg provides an overview of the meeting.
The EUAA welcome the initiative of the federal government to include energy users in the conversation and are pleased with the strong intent of the ministers involved to work with us to resolve the current crisis. While we welcome the government’s intent, we have made it very clear that we will judge success based on significantly improved contract conditions for major gas users including improved access, contract term and price arrangements. The EUAA will continue to keep pressure on governments and the gas industry to deliver on their commitments so that solutions work in the best interests of consumers.
Kind Regards
Andrew Richards
Chief Executive Officer