Queensland Government Policies Delivering Measurable Outcomes for Gas Users
Emily Wood | October 30, 2019
The efforts of the Queensland government to release acreage for domestic gas use has been demonstrated to deliver real outcomes for local energy users. Today’s announcement that the Queensland government will release new tenders for an additional 30,000 square kilometres with 30% reserved for domestic use is welcomed by the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA).
“A number of EUAA members have benefited from contracted gas because of the Queensland government domestic gas tenement policy showing that this program is delivering real and measurable outcomes for Australian businesses who make essential everyday items for the Australian community,” said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew Richards.
“Gas is an essential input into a number of items required in the community each day such as steel, glass, food and packaging. Protecting domestic gas supply for domestic purposes is critical for every Australian and we applaud the Queensland government for their policy initiative in this area.”
Domestic gas costs have increased dramatically since the development of a number of LNG export terminals. Australian businesses who rely on gas have seen both the prices they pay skyrocket up to 200%, as well as finding that securing gas contracts has become much harder.
“We look forward to seeing the impact of this new acreage release and know that many businesses will breathe a sigh of relief know that increased supply will become available in the future.”
The EUAA represents large energy users, some of whom who are spending $1 million per day on energy. Many large energy users are seeking solutions to rising energy costs and have invested billions into energy efficiency, system upgrades, storage, renewable energy, demand response and many other measures with the aim of reducing energy consumption and costs.
Large energy users who are producing essential goods and services, foods, building materials, paper, plastics and raw materials are under increasing pressure from energy bills. Increased gas costs have impacted many energy users with some commenting that they are ‘working for the gas company’ due to prices being so high.
“While increased gas supply is not the silver bullet to Australia’s gas woes, it is certainly an enormously positive step in the right direction,” said Mr Richards.
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Media Contact: Emily Wood 0421 042 121