Resolving the energy crisis – everyone has a role to play

Emily Wood | May 23, 2017

Energy users have never been under more pressure from rapidly escalating electricity and gas costs. It feels very much like a crisis. It’s time that all participants, from governments and regulators to generators and energy users come together to understand the issues and find solutions. That is the goal of the EUAA National Conference starting today in Brisbane tomorrow (May 24).

“We cannot solve the issues that are crippling Australia’s energy markets without a coordinated approach, cooperation between all participants and a shared vision,” said Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA), Mr Andrew Richards.

On the eve of the organisations National Conference: Solving Australia’s Energy Crisis, the EUAA is highlighting the need to secure affordable, reliable and sustainability energy supply for users, both large and small. This is best achieved by working together, not in isolation.

In the last few days we have again seen a state government acting in isolation on energy policy with the proposed South Australian Energy Security Target.

While this proposal seems to be aimed at creating increased energy security, the most likely outcome is that further increased costs will be foisted onto consumers without achieving a better outcome.

“We are concerned that state governments continue to act in isolation on policy that should be coordinated at a national level. This ad-hoc approach will add further financial impacts on consumers who are already straining with unprecedented energy bills.”

The EUAA National Conference will run over two days at the Hilton in Brisbane and bring together an impressive and diverse group of energy market participants including government, business, NGOs, analysts, regulators and consumers.

Delegates are being encouraged to bring an open mind, be prepared to be challenged and to share their big ideas with the aim of finding common ground and some practical solutions to solve the energy crisis engulfing the industry.

The EUAA is the peak national body representing major Australian electricity and gas users. Its members come from a broad cross-section of the Australian economy including significant retail, mining, manufacturing, materials and food processing industries.

A strong advocate for energy users, the EUAA firmly believes that the primary objective of energy markets should be to serve the long-term interests of the consumer as stated in the National Electricity Objective (NEO) and National Gas Objective (NGO).

There can be no doubt that energy users, both large and small are experiencing huge increases in both electricity and gas costs while reliability of the system appears to be in some peril.

Visit for further details about the National Conference.


The EUAA National Conference Program will run on May 24 and 25 at the Hilton in Brisbane. The Conference program is available for download

Media Contact: Emily Wood 0421 042 121

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