Time to clear the air on electricity pricing
Emily Wood | March 27, 2017
The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the Turnbull Government announcement that it has requested the ACCC to conduct an inquiry into retail electricity prices.
“Energy consumers need to have confidence that deregulated energy markets are working for them,” said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Richards.
“Energy consumers feel they are either getting ripped off, don’t know if they are, or are completely confused by their bills.”
“This ACCC investigation will help clear the air and improve transparency for consumers which is a great outcome.”
In 2016 the ACCC concluded an extensive investigation into the east coast gas market which is now leading to important reforms that will help gas consumers.
“As we saw with the east coast gas inquiry, the ACCC can get under the surface of issues to find out what is really going on. If it weren’t for that inquiry many of the issues in gas markets would continue to deprive consumers of better outcomes,” said Mr Richards.
“We hope this new inquiry into retail electricity prices will clear the air and lead to better outcomes for all energy users.”
The EUAA is a relentless voice within the energy sector, seeking a competitive, reliable and sustainable energy supply for all energy users.
The Association’s members are part of a critical network of companies spanning manufacturing, food processing, transport, energy, mining and raw material providers that benefit the Australian community. Price rises across this group have flow on effects to all users.