What’s in Store for Tasmania’s Energy Future?
Emily Wood | March 23, 2017
Tasmanian Minister for State Growth, Minister for Energy, Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage, Matthew Groom MP, will share the government’s perspective and priorities for the year ahead in a keynote address kicking off the Energy Users Association of Australia’s (EUAA) 2017 Tasmanian Energy Forum today (Thursday March 23) at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart, between 2 and 5:30pm.
“In a critical year for energy planning, the Tasmanian Energy Forum brings together experts from across the Tasmanian energy landscape to dissect and analyse the current situation facing Tasmanian energy users and look to the future solutions,” said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew Richards.
In addition to a keynote from the Minister, other presenters will bring a range of perspectives from the diversity within the energy market that include: TasNetworks, Goanna Energy, Schneider Electric, Hydro Tasmania and The Tasmanian Greens.
Presenters will cover issues including energy market movements, asset management, gas forecasting, network issues, energy security and future planning strategies. “Key to the TEF will be looking for solutions that address the critical issues facing Tasmanian energy users and market participants – such as security and afforablity of supply,” said Mr Richards.
“Energy enables all aspects of our daily lives and underpins the success of our economy. Creating a reliable, secure, affordable and sustainable energy system for all users is in everyone’s best interests and we look forward to hearing the ideas presented today.”
The EUAA is a relentless voice within the energy sector, seeking a competitive, reliable and sustainable energy supply for all energy users.
The association’s members are part of a critical network of companies spanning manufacturing, food processing, transport, energy, mining and raw material providers that benefit the Australian community. Price rises across this group have flow on effects to all users