Federal Agreement with SA Creates a More Coordinated Response to Energy Transition

Federal Agreement with SA Creates a More Coordinated Response to Energy Transition

The announcement of a partnership between the Federal and South Australian governments to support the transition of energy markets is welcomed by the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA).  The broad ranging plan that will assist the integration of renewables into the NEM, including some initial financial support for the new interconnector, Project Energy Connect, […]

EUAA Submission: ACCC Review of LNG Netback Price Series

‘… We welcome the opportunity to provide a submission on the calculation of the LNG netback price series. The publication of the series has provided much needed transparency around what the ACCC describes as ‘an indicative reference price’1. The ACCC sees it as a ‘relevant price marker in negotiations for domestic supply’ subject to some […]

Walcha Link Could be a Game Changer

The EUAA welcomes reports that Walcha Energy intend to build a private transmission line to connect more than 4,500MW of new renewable energy into the shared transmission system, most likely at the existing Liddell power station site in NSW. This announcement comes as a significant debate is occurring over a more equitable approach to cost […]

EUAA Submission: Review of the Reliability Standard & Guidelines

‘…In summary, the EUAA does not see any need to review the Reliability and Standard setting guidelines prior to the regular review of the reliability standard and settings. Regular reviews in the past have shown that the current form of the settings is the best approach to an energy only market and we do not […]

EUAA Submission: Financeability of ISP Projects

‘The EUAA strongly supports the Draft Rule Determination of the Commission to not make the proposed participant derogation. We are pleased to see the Commission supporting our contention in our submission on the Consultation Paper that we were not convinced that the current regulatory framework causes financeability issues for ISP projects. Our members would not […]

Energy Transition Shouldn’t Be A Shock

Today’s announcement by Energy Australia that they intend to retire the Yallourn power station by mid 2028 should not be a shock but does highlight the need for a well-coordinated approach to the transition of our energy system. “This announcement was inevitable, as future announcements of power station retirements will be,” said Energy Users’ Association […]

Gas Users United in Support for ACCC Findings

Peak bodies representing Australian industrial gas users are united in their support of the findings of the ACCC’s January 2021 Interim Report on the Eastern Australian gas market. Those findings underline the concerns of industrial gas users about the severe headwinds the current gas market presents to existing jobs, jobs growth and Australia’s overall economic […]

EUAA Submission: ESB Renewable Energy Zones Consultation Paper

‘…The EUAA welcome this opportunity to make submission to the Renewable Energy Zones Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and commend the ESB on their commitment to stakeholder engagement. We also recognise the efforts by the ESB to better coordinate the establishment of Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) in previous consultations in late 2020. We appreciate the complexity […]

EUAA Welcomes New AEMO Chief Executive Officer

Leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the appointment of Daniel Westerman as the new CEO of the Australian Energy Market Operator. “We have many challenges in our energy markets that need urgent attention, not the least of which is the integration of a large […]

EUAA Submission: Regulation of Actionable ISP Projects

‘The EUAA very supportive of the development of this guidance note. We have been critical of the poor record AEMO and TNSPs have in the estimation of capex for major projects across the whole ISP/RiT-T/Contingent Project Application (CPA) ‘supply chain’. Given the intent of the note is to: “…promote the efficient delivery of actionable ISP […]

EUAA Submission: AusNet Services Electricity Distribution Determination for 2021-26

‘The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) is the peak body representing Australian commercial and industrial energy users. Our membership covers a broad cross section of the Australian economy including significant retail, manufacturing, building materials and food processing industries. Combined our members employ over 1 million Australians and pay billions in energy bills every year […]

EUAA Submission: Reliability Forecast Guidelines Issues Paper

‘Our overall concern about the approach AEMO is taking is that it is, in many cases, effectively forecaster and arbitrator of whether stakeholder concerns about its forecasting methodology are valid. This is simply illustrated by this process, where AEMO, rather than the AEMC in a rule change situation, is assessing the veracity of submissions that […]

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