Jemena’s announcement today that it will extend and increase capacity of its Eastern Gas Pipeline (EGP) is welcomed by leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Solving the many issues confronting the domestic gas market is complex, with additional pipeline capacity being a key part of […]
‘The EUAA supports this rule change to bring clarity to the process for recovering National Transmission Planner (NTP) costs and enable the policy intent of the ISP rules to be achieved. Our purpose in making this submission is to highlight the significant increase in NTP costs in recent years given AEMO’s preparation of the Integrated […]
‘The EUAA agrees with the AEMO that significant changes in the NEM since the last review of the fee structure means it is appropriate to undertake this review. While we acknowledge that this review is not about the annual budget and fees, it cannot be separated from that. A necessary pre-requisite for a fee structure […]
Leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), has welcomed today’s release of the Low Emissions Technology Statement as another positive step towards a cleaner energy system and a more resilient economy. “This first Low Emissions Technology Statement is the latest in a string of positive announcements […]
Leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), has welcomed today’s announcement by the Federal Government to expand the scope of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to allow investment in a broader range of technologies. “Wind and solar have been […]
Leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), has welcomed today’s announcement by the Federal Government that will deliver much needed gas market reform. The suite of reforms announced by the Prime Minister are closely aligned with what the EUAA and its member companies have been advocating […]
Leading advocate for large energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), joined others in farewelling Queensland Minster for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy, Dr Anthony Lynham MP, wishing him well in his future endeavours and encouraging others to follow the standard he set in stakeholder and political engagement. “Minister Lynham set a new […]
‘We agree with the Commission’s, and the rule change proposers’ views that the current regulatory framework needs to be continually updated to promote the efficient investment in, and operation of energy services. The EUAA congratulates the proponents of the three rule change proposals for addressing what is becoming a major issue in electricity markets. The […]
In responding to the Victorian Government announcement of a second round of renewable energy auctions, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) is raising concerns about the future risks and costs associated with integrating large volumes of renewable energy into a system already showing signs of stress. “Renewable energy is already a significant part of […]
‘We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Renewing AEMO’s engagement model discussion options paper (options paper) and commend AEMO on recognising that their past approach to stakeholder engagement is no longer fit for purpose and that change is required…’ Please download attached for full submission.
Amendments to the Reliability Standard Implementation Guidelines, MT PASA Process Description and Energy Adequacy Assessment Projection Guidelines Consultation Draft Determination and Report ‘… As we noted in our earlier submission on this matter, we continue to be concerned about the conservatism used by AEMO in its forecasting methodology. This has a large impact on the […]
The release today of the annual Electricity Statement Of Opportunities (ESOO) by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) confirms that reliability of the energy system will meet required standards for the 2020/2021 summer and beyond. However, it also highlights the many challenges presented by an ageing fleet of coal fired power stations and rapid uptake […]
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