‘We support the development of the ISP and see it having a crucial role in facilitating this transition pathway at the most efficient cost to consumers, provided there is thorough, transparent and respectful engagement along with rigorous, independent oversight of costs and benefits. Therefore, the EUAA is focused on ensuring the development of the ISP […]
‘We support the development of the ISP and see it having a crucial role in facilitating this transition pathway at the most efficient cost to consumers, provided there is thorough, transparent and respectful engagement. This engagement must go beyond a “show and tell” approach where consumers are simply presented with an ISP that has been […]
‘While we recognise that parts of the network are experiencing congestion, which is reflected in declining MLF’s, we do not see how diluting this important market signal will lead to better outcomes for those impacted generators or consumers. In fact, in moving from MLF to ALF, congestion may in fact worsen resulting in periods of […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) wishes to acknowledge the important and lasting impacts of the advocacy and leadership provided by Energy Consumers Australia’s (ECA) inaugural CEO, Rosemary Sinclair. It was announced today that Ms Sinclair would be leaving ECA to take on a role outside the energy industry. “Rosemary has been a tireless […]
The EUAA supports the preferable rule change made by the Commission and support the Commission’s conclusions from its assessment framework. Download submission attached here for full details.
‘Our focus in this submission is the east coast gas market. We begin by outlining the key themes of our submission and our preferred regulatory framework. We then discuss the wider context of the impact of Government energy and climate policy on the future of gas pipelines before a more focussed discussion of the role […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the release of the business case for Marinus Link, the proposed new inter-connector between Victoria and Tasmania. “As increasing volumes of variable renewable energy enters our electricity system, we will need ways to firm that generation with flexible resources such as hydro,” said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, […]
Summer is upon us and with predictions of extended periods of extreme heat we need to be conscious of the pressure this will place on our energy system. Energy suppliers, energy users, the market operator and governments are working hard to ensure that all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the energy system […]
‘In this current application, the Victorian Government, drawing on the August 2019 AEMO ESOO and other sources, argues that there is evidence of material changes since May 2019 that warrant re-opening of the issue under an expedited rule change process. Our previous submission on this matter focused on whether the derogation should be considered by […]
The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes today’s rejection of the proposal to change the Marginal Loss Factor (MLF) methodology by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC). “It is critical that our electricity markets operate in line with the National Electricity Objective, which ensures the market works in the best interests of consumers,” said […]
‘EUAA members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due to escalating energy costs. These increased costs are either absorbed by the business, making it more difficult to maintain existing levels of employment or passed through to consumers in the form of increases in the […]
The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to make some brief comments on this consultation paper. Full submission attached…
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