Submission attached.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission to the Energy Charter Accountability Panel. The EUAA is supportive of the Energy Charter…. See attached for full submission.
Reports today that the Victoria Government will seek an exemption from the AEMC to allow AEMO the option of negotiating Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) contracts up to three years in advance is concerning. “The RERT mechanism is designed as a last resort safety net to be applied when the reliability standard is likely […]
‘…it is with a strong sense of Deja Vu that we welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Energy Security Board (ESB) Post 2025 Market Design Issues Paper. There seems to be striking similarities between the work being done on a post 2025 market design and the Finkel Review that was completed in […]
The information asymmetry that exists between the gas supply chain and gas users is an issue the EUAA has been highlighting for many years. Eventually it was recognised by the ACCC in its seminal report on the East Coast Gas Supply in April 2016. This report provided much impetus for the detailed reform program now […]
Australia’s peak body representing some of Australia’s largest energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the appointment of Clare Savage to the role of Chair of the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). “Clare brings an impressive set of skills and knowledge to the role of Chair at the AER taking over from previous […]
The EUAA is very supportive of the approach taken by the AEMC in its Draft Rule Determination of the Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism (QDRM). The facilitation of efficient demand response is a key part of ensuring a secure and reliable NEM as it transitions to a lower carbon generation mix as well as enabling all […]
Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due to escalating energy costs. These increased costs are either absorbed by the business, making it more difficult to maintain existing levels of employment or passed through to consumers in the form of increases in the […]
We were a strong supporter of the Vertigan reforms that set up the information disclosure and arbitration framework for unregulated pipelines. We support this draft financial reporting guideline for light regulation pipelines for the same reasons. Download the attached submission to read full details.
‘Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due to escalating energy costs. These increased costs are either absorbed by the business, making it more difficult to maintain existing levels of employment or passed through to consumers in the form of increases in the […]
Today’s seventh Gas Inquiry report released by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) confirms what many members of the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) have been saying, that more action in gas markets is needed to increase competition and supply. “The ACCC report confirms what we are hearing from our members – while […]
The release today of the 2019 Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) is a further warning that energy users will continue to face higher costs and decreasing reliability without a coordinated, national plan for the energy transition that is already underway. “This coming summer, large energy users will once […]
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