The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to make some brief comments on the Draft Market Liquidity Obligation (MLO) Guideline and are mindful of the urgency to ensure these and other measures are implemented in a timely way. We are also mindful of the significant demands on the ESB and the desire of policy makers and regulatory […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia’s (EUAA) 2019 National Conference: Sorting Fact from Fiction will take place in Melbourne at Marvel stadium over the next two days. (May 1-2). The event includes a stellar line up of the who’s who in energy who will focus on issues impacting energy users across Australia. “This is an […]
We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the COGATI Implementation – Access and Charging Discussion Paper. We appreciate the AEMC allowing additional time for stakeholders to provide input into this important consultation and the clarification it has provided in the Supplementary Information Paper released on 4 April. The EUAA made a submission to […]
We are broadly supportive of the process outlined for the AER to enable it to make a reliability instrument but please see attached for our full comment.
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), which represents many of Australia’s largest energy users, has welcomed Federal Labor’s commitment to bring more gas to the east coast market by unlocking gas supply in the Gaililee and Bowen basins and connecting Beetaloo to Darwin and the east coast. “Bringing on new supplies of gas along […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) which represents many of Australia’s largest gas users, has today released a National Gas Strategy Discussion Paper that poses a range of potential solutions to the gas crisis gripping the east coast and calls for the next government to make gas market reform a priority. “Whoever wins the […]
The EUAA has consistently highlighted the cost to consumers of the continued energy policy uncertainty. We support the Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO) as an important step in bringing more certainty to all stakeholders in the National Electricity Market. We congratulate the ESB on its thorough approach to developing the detail behind the RRO and the […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), which represents many of Australia’s largest energy users, has welcomed Federal Labor’s commitment to work with business to reduce emissions should they form government. The EUAA believes Australia should act on climate change and meet our proportional international climate change responsibilities. We are of the view that a […]
The release of the 2019 Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) by Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) again highlights the perilous situation facing Australian gas users, said the peak body representing some of the largest gas and electricity users in Australia, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The 2019 GSOO identifies the potential for significant […]
‘We have taken a close interest in the recent debate around the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT). This came to prominence when some of our members received large, unexpected invoices in the first half of 2018 to cover over $52m in RERT costs in 2017/18. Unfortunately, there was no transparency around how the particular […]
‘EUAA believe that not only is more domestic gas required but more domestic gas suppliers with access to multiple, economically viable forms of transportation. We welcome moves to increase competition and encourage additional investment in all aspects of the domestic gas supply chain. With this in mind, we welcomed the construction by Jemena of the […]
‘Information asymmetry is a major hurdle faced by industrial gas customers as they seek to negotiate affordable gas supply. Therefore, the EUAA welcomes the ACCC moves towards greater transparency in all parts of the gas supply chain. In the case of reserves, the lack of publicly available and clearly understood reserves numbers is another part […]
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