EUAA Submission - ADGSM Guidelines

EUAA Submission – ADGSM Guidelines

There is no doubt that energy users, both large and small are experiencing unprecedented increases in both electricity and gas costs while reliability of the system appears to be in some peril. This situation is clearly at odds with both the National Gas Objective (NGO) and the National Electricity Objective (NEO). Over the last 10 years Australia […]

Finkel Report; We Must Not Waste This Opportunity

In anticipation of the Finkel Review final report to be released Friday, Chief Executive Officer of the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), Andrew Richards, urged politicians of all persuasions not to waste the opportunity to build a bipartisan national energy strategy. “The worst possible thing that can happen is that nothing changes,” said Mr […]

Joint Statement: We All Have A Stake in Moving Forward with the Finkel Review

 The energy industry, its customers and other stakeholders agree: the imminent Finkel Review deserves full and fair consideration before governments take decisions that will have major implications for the security, reliability and affordability of Australia’s electricity system. Our organisations believe that the worst outcome for energy consumers and suppliers alike would be the absence of […]

EUAA Submission – AEMC Draft Rule On New Planning Arrangements For Replacement Assets by Electricity Network Businesses

The EUAA’s previous submission on the draft rule on new planning arrangements for replacement assets by electricity network businesses strongly supported the proposed rule change. Therefore, it is pleasing to see that the AEMC has substantially supported the AER’s proposal. It is one more step in the direction of a more comprehensive approach to achieving […]

Restart of Swanbank E Power Station Reassures Energy Users

The announcement to restart the Swanbank E gas fired power station in Queensland has been welcomed by the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA). In supporting the initiative, EUAA CEO Andrew Richards said “restarting Swanbank E gas fired power station will provide reassurance to large energy users at a time when energy security and pricing […]

Energy Futures Respond Immediately to QLD Government Ten Point Plan

“The Queensland government’s $1.16 billion plan to increase reliability and energy security has had an immediate impact on energy future prices providing real benefits and a ray of hope to all energy users,” said Energy Users Association of Australia CEO, Mr Andrew Richards. The Queensland government plan, which has been released ahead of the Finkel […]

Energy users are not a magic pudding

The peak industry body representing the needs of large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA), are disappointed with this week’s Federal Court Decision that will see energy users pay billions more for energy network services over the coming years. A number of NSW network businesses have been successful in overturning price cuts […]

EUAA Submission – South Australian Energy Security Target

While we welcome the intent of the South Australian government to improve system security we are concerned about the introduction of the proposed scheme. Specifically we believe it will add significant cost to the annual electricity bills of South Australian energy users without necessarily altering the nature of the structure of the local market to provide […]

Resolving the energy crisis – everyone has a role to play

Energy users have never been under more pressure from rapidly escalating electricity and gas costs. It feels very much like a crisis. It’s time that all participants, from governments and regulators to generators and energy users come together to understand the issues and find solutions. That is the goal of the EUAA National Conference starting […]

Powerlink commitment to delivering value confirmed by AER Final Decision

Powerlink’s contribution to Queensland electricity bills is set to reduce after the Australian Energy Regulator’s (AER) Final Decision confirmed Powerlink’s commitment to deliver better value to consumers. Powerlink Chief Executive Merryn York said the business had sought to align with the AER’s guidelines and approach as much as possible and submit a Revenue Proposal that […]

Victorian Energy Forum: Lights out or a Brighter Future

Victorian Energy Forum: Lights out or a Brighter Future, Wednesday 26 July online registrations now open. Stay tuned for details, including speakers, to be announced soon. Upcoming events include the NSW Energy Forum, early September, date TBC and the South Australian Energy Forum, mid October, date TBC Sponsorship opportunities available. Read more here

If our energy future is renewable, what does this mean for affordability, reliability, security?

“Creating a reliable, secure and affordable energy system is integral for all Australian users and must be the focus in our energy market,” said Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Richards. “We are pleased to see reports of the federal Renewable Energy Target (RET) is lkely to be met before 2020 […]

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