Gas Producers Confirm There Is Plenty of Gas. Now It's Time To Sell It At Fair & Reasonable Prices.

Gas Producers Confirm There Is Plenty of Gas. Now It’s Time To Sell It At Fair & Reasonable Prices.

The latest Interim Gas Report released by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) provides reassurance to Australian energy users that there is gas available to meet domestic needs, said leading advocate for large commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “It does bring some relief to see the […]

NSW Electricity Check Up Sets Out Practical Actions To Meet Transition Goals With A Consumer Focus

The NSW government response to the Electricity Supply and Reliability Check Up conducted by highly respected energy expert Cameron O’Reilly, provides a welcome review of the current state of the energy transition in the state, highlighting the challenges but also the opportunities to improve outcomes for consumers, said leading advocate for large commercial and industrial […]

AEMO 2023 ESOO Presents A Sober Warning for Our Energy Future

The Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) 2023 Energy Statement of Opportunities (ESOO) is a sobering read and highlights the risk to all energy users from as early as this summer, said leading advocate for large commercial and Industrial energy users, the Energy Users ‘Association of Australia (EUAA). “AEMO has finally said what many have been talking […]

Next Steps To Develop A Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Welcomed By Energy Users

Today’s announcement by Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen that the government is moving forward with the development of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)  “will be a welcome addition to the industry decarbonisation kit bag” said leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). A […]

Code Of Conduct Released – It’s Now Up To The Gas Industry To Deliver Fairer Outcomes For Australian Business & Households

The release of the final details of the Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct, that outlines new rules under which gas will be sold domestically in Australia, puts the onus firmly on the gas industry to supply Australian business and households with gas at a fair and reasonable price, said leading advocate for the large commercial […]

Energy Users Welcome Next Steps In Developing The Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct

Leading advocate for the large commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the next steps in developing the Mandatory Gas Code of Conduct that it hopes will provide better outcomes for energy users who have struggled to contract reasonably-priced gas in recent years. “Gas is a critical input […]

Government’s Commitment To Support The Decarbonisation Of Heavy Industry Welcomed

The important role of large Commercial and Industrial energy users in the pursuit of Australia’s net zero goal has been highlighted in the May budget with confirmation that funding will begin to flow, said leading advocate for the hard to abate sector, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “It’s great to see the Federal […]

NRF & Safeguard Mechanism Working Alongside One Another Will Be Key For Heavy Industry Transition

The National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) and the Safeguard Mechanism legislation that have secured support this week are critical elements that must work together to support the decarbonisation and modernisation of Australia’s manufacturing sector, provided we get the details right, said leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia […]

EUAA Welcomes News of National Reconstruction Fund Support

The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), Australia’s leading advocate for large C&I energy users, welcomes news that the Government, with support from the Greens, has ensured the National Reconstruction Fund (NRF) legislation will pass. “The National Reconstruction Fund is a great start to a long-term decarbonisation journey for our heavy industry,” said EUAA Chief […]

Latest ACCC Report Highlights Ongoing Domestic Gas Market Issues Despite Assurances From Producers

The latest Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Gas Inquiry Report once again reveals a dysfunctional domestic gas market with escalating prices and a potential gas shortfall despite ongoing reassurance from gas producers that prices offered are reasonable and there is no gas shortage, said Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Australian domestic energy consumers […]

Energy Policy Legislation An Opportunity To Deliver Fairness For Energy Users

Australia’s perilous energy position has been years in the making, but today Parliament has the opportunity to pass legislation that will help ease cost pressures for many Australians and smooth the transition to net zero. “The Energy Users’ Association (EUAA) is supportive of the package being put to Parliament today, aiming to ease energy prices. […]

Energy Package Shows Governments Willing To Stand Up For Energy Users

Energy users’ welcome recent announcements from Australian governments that seek to support the national interest and stand up to gas industry bullies on behalf of domestic energy consumers. “We congratulate Federal and State governments on developing a balanced approach to the gas crisis that looks after domestic energy users and the national interest while preserving […]

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