EUAA Submission: Tasmanian Parliament Joint Select Committee - Inquiry Into Energy Matters In Tasmania

EUAA Submission: Tasmanian Parliament Joint Select Committee – Inquiry Into Energy Matters In Tasmania

‘… As we transition from a highly centralised generation system dominated by dispatchable thermal resources to a highly decentralised system dominated by Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) resources a number of key challenges are becoming apparent. Traditional dispatchable fossil fuelled generators that to date have provided energy users with a bundle of services that were folded […]

EUAA Submission: NSW Renewable Fuel Scheme Rule 1

‘… The EUAA notes that the NSW government has chosen a market-based approach, which for renewable fuel increases the cost for consumers, in addition to the increased cost from transitioning to renewable fuel (it is known that biomethane costs more than fossil gas and green hydrogen is even more expensive).  The EUAA recommends that the […]

EUAA Submission: Orderly Exit Management Framework – Consultation Paper

‘… The EUAA contends that an orderly exit framework for the transition to 100% renewable energy is long overdue, with jurisdictions taking an ad-hoc approach to-date.  The EUAA welcomes the Consultation Paper to establish a formal process for the orderly exit of coal. The EUAA notes that the OEM Framework is likely only to apply […]

EUAA Submission: Review Into Electricity Compensation Frameworks (EPR 0095)

‘…  The EUAA agrees with the AEMC and AER that the current Electricity Compensation Frameworks (Frameworks) led to inefficient outcomes during the market events of June 2022, prompting generators to withdraw bids from the NEM during the Administered Price Period (APP) and subsequent Market Suspension and instead waited until AEMO Directions were given to generate. […]

EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment (Clarifying Mandatory Primary Frequency Response Obligations for Bidirectional Plant) Rule 2024

‘…The EUAA is pleased to see that in writing the draft determination, the AEMC has taken the view to minimise the financial impact of MPFR on utility scale batteries that may have resulted in inefficient operation and dispatch of them.  The EUAA supports the AEMC’s draft determination that will result in utility scale batteries having […]

EUAA Submission: National Gas Amendment (Compensation & Dispute Resolutiom Frameworks) Rule

‘…The EUAA considers that the draft determination presented by the AEMC strikes the right balance and provides the right guardrails for a new gas compensation and dispute resolution framework through: Improved governance and procedural arrangements that improve transparency and are fit for purpose; Eligible costs to be limited to direct costs; That only claims over […]

EUAA Submission: Review Of The Form of the Reliability Standard & Administered Price Cap

‘…In previous submissions on this matter the EUAA[1]: Supported the current form of the reliability standard and considered the current form is still the best option in a renewables dominant grid, Supported the continued use of the AER VCR values to assess what consumers are prepared to pay for reliability, Recommended that the Panel takes […]

EUAA Submission: Draft Determination – National Electricity Amendment (Calculation of System Strength Quantity) Rule 2024

‘…The EUAA has concerns regarding the negative impact that system strength provided through Transmission Network Service Provider’s who are also System Strength Service Providers (SSSP’s) may have on consumer bills.  These concerns include: over-investment in system strength that leaves significant under-utilised system strength assets in a TNSP’s Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) which flows through to […]

EUAA Submission: South Australia – Amendments of the Electricity (General) Regulations 2012 To Establish A New Planning & Forecasting Function

‘… The EUAA notes that the whole of system planning function of the National Energy Market (NEM) was transferred to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) by each NEM jurisdiction when AEMO was established by the Council of Australian Government’s.  This has allowed AEMO to develop and publish the important biennial Integrated System Plan (ISP), […]

EUAA Submission: NSW Renewable Fuel Scheme

‘…The EUAA supports further investigation of renewable sources of gas as a replacement and/or supplement to traditional sources of methane. The EUAA notes that Australia is limited to supplying only 22.5% of the current natural gas consumption from biomethane,1 with most currently operating biogas plants supplying small electricity generation units or being flared. There are […]

EUAA Submission: ACCC Proposed Determination Under The Gas Market Code

‘…The EUAA has been a strong supporter of the Gas Market Code (the Code) because our members have seen first had the exercise of market power by gas suppliers. The market our members have been operating in, and which has been highlighted by successive ACCC Gas Reports, is far from the Code’s purpose: “…to facilitate […]

EUAA Submission: AEMO Project Energy Connect Implementation Directions Paper

‘…This short submission supports the submission made by Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA agrees with the arguments put forth by Shell Energy. EUAA would like to emphasise the following points: • The EUAA is aware that the building of PEC will already impact customer’s bills through increased TUOS in NSW and SA. • The […]

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