The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121


EUAA Submission: APA Gas Transmission Access Arrangements

Emily Wood | September 8, 2022

'...This short submission comments on the AER’s Draft Decision and APA’s Revised Proposal. The EUAA is a member of the…

EUAA Submission: Amending the Administered Price Cap

Emily Wood | September 1, 2022

'...The EUAA has previously made a submission requesting that the AEMC not expedite the process under s96 of the NEL[1].…

EUAA Submission: Material Change in Network Infrastructure Project Costs

Emily Wood | September 1, 2022

'...The fundamental proposition in this submission is that an appropriate level of rigour is possible without sacrificing timeliness, particularly in…

EUAA Submission: Options To Improve The ADGSM

Emily Wood | August 22, 2022

'...As we have observed recently, the lack of affordable gas was a significant contributor to the National Electricity Market suspension…

EUAA Submission: RRO T-3 Ministerial Trigger

Emily Wood | August 17, 2022

'...Too often consumers see policy being proposed that is in the interests of others including investors, market participants, technology providers,…

EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment Rule ERC0335

Emily Wood | August 17, 2022

'...The EUAA’s earlier submission on this matter did not support the rule change. As we noted in our presentation to…

EUAA Submission: Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Preliminary Design Consultation Paper |15 August 2022

Emily Wood | August 15, 2022

'...We welcome this opportunity to respond to the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework Preliminary Design Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and look…

EUAA Submission: Victorian Offshore Wind Directions Paper

Emily Wood | August 1, 2022

'...The EUAA supports the pursuit of net zero targets but this needs to be done at least cost, not at…

EUAA Submission: Capacity Mechanism High Level Design Paper

Emily Wood | July 22, 2022

'...We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Capacity Mechanism High-Level Design Paper (Design Paper). We have already…

EUAA Submission: Stage 2 Draft Recommendations For The Transmission Planning & Investment Review

Emily Wood | July 14, 2022

'We welcome the opportunity to make comment on the Stage 2 Draft Recommendations for the Transmission Planning and Investment Review…

EUAA Submission: Review of Reliability Standard & Settings

Emily Wood | July 7, 2022

'...We welcome the opportunity to make comment on the review of reliability standard and settings.  While the Draft’s assumption is…

EUAA Submission: ESB Transmission Access Reform Discussion Paper

Emily Wood | June 10, 2022

'...Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the ESB Transmission Access Reform Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper). We…

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