The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121


EUAA Submission: Gas Price Cap Instrument

Emily Wood | December 15, 2022

'...The EUAA has consistently highlighted, and the ACCC has consistently concluded, the existence of market failure in the east coast…

EUAA Submission: Changing HER Sample Periods & Australian Treasury Advice

Emily Wood | November 25, 2022

'...The EUAA supports the recommendation of the AER Consumer Reference Group that the sample period for estimating Historical Excess Returns…

EUAA Submission: Ring Fencing Waiver For DNSPS To Bid Voltage Control RERT To AEMO

Emily Wood | November 16, 2022

'...With the expected increased demand for RERT in the future, the addition of another source to the AEMO tender process…

EUAA Submission: Transmission Planning and Investment Stage 3 – EPR0087

Emily Wood | November 3, 2022

'This submission focuses exclusively on Chapter 4 of the Stage 3 Draft Report on the regulatory treatment of concessional finance…

EUAA Submission: Exposure Draft Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill & The Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming) Amendment Rules 2022

Emily Wood | October 28, 2022

'...The EUAA work closely with other industry peak bodies, including the Australian Aluminium Council (AAC).  We have viewed the AAC…

EUAA Submission: Extension of AEMO Powers & Functions

Emily Wood | October 21, 2022

'...Attached is our combined template response that also includes our 7th October submission. If we have been unsuccessful in getting…

EUAA Submission: Amending The Administered Price Cap

Emily Wood | October 14, 2022

'...The Energy Users' Association of Australia (EUAA) makes two comments on the Directions Paper. We were surprised and disappointed to…

EUAA Submission: Gas Market Parameters Review

Emily Wood | October 7, 2022

'....Our members have had firsthand experience of the dysfunctional east coast gas market that has been highlighted by many recent…

EUAA Submission: Extension of AEMO Functions & Powers

Emily Wood | October 7, 2022

'....Perhaps the starkest issue for our members is that they may find themselves subject to a direction and not able…

EUAA Submission: Victorian Gas Access Arrangements Proposal 2023-2028

Emily Wood | September 30, 2022

'...This submission provides a combined response to the 1 July Proposals and 2nd September Addendums by AGN, Multinet (MGN), and…

EUAA Submission: Safeguard Mechanism Reforms Consultation Paper

Emily Wood | September 20, 2022

'...Transformation of the electricity sector is also creating significant disruption with consumers facing a tsunami of additional costs as we…

EUAA Submission: VNI West PADR

Emily Wood | September 9, 2022

'...This submission comments on a range of issues across the PADR. For each issue we discuss what the proponents say…

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