The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121
Emily Wood | April 13, 2023
'...This submission does not support the extension of the Interim Reliability Measure (IRM) beyond its current expiry date of 30th…
Emily Wood | April 5, 2023
'...This submission is short because we believe that the implementation of the NEVA order by the Victorian Government leaves us…
Emily Wood | March 14, 2023
'...the proposed National Battery Strategy comes at a time of escalating costs across the entire economy alongside the requirement for…
Emily Wood | March 7, 2023
'... Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the Reliability Forecasting and Methodology Consultation. This submission supports…
Emily Wood | February 24, 2023
'...Like all business, EUAA member companies are also dealing with supply chain and labour constraints, significant increases in material costs,…
Emily Wood | February 23, 2023
'...In summary we support the proposed ADGSM Guidelines as part of a broader suite of gas market reforms being pursued…
Emily Wood | February 23, 2023
'...This submission provides a combined response to the Revised Proposals presented to the AER by AGN, Multinet (MGN), and AusNet…
Emily Wood | February 7, 2023
'....The EUAA strongly supports the Federal Government’s proposed mandatory code of conduct (the Code) for the east coast gas industry.…
Emily Wood | February 7, 2023
'After reading the AEMC’s “How the National Energy Objectives Shape Our Decisions”, the inclusion of emission reduction objectives in the…
Emily Wood | January 27, 2023
'...This short submission supports the submission made by EUAA Supporting Member Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA agrees with the…
Emily Wood | January 20, 2023
'....As we highlighted in our previous submission, the most striking aspect of the engagement to date, including recent engagement, was…
Emily Wood | December 21, 2022
'Thank you for the opportunity to make another submission on Transmission Access Reform. As we have said in previous submissions,…
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