The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121
Emily Wood | July 14, 2023
'... This is a short supplementary submission to our submission on 4th May where we supported continuation of the current…
Emily Wood | July 13, 2023
'.... Our membership covers most of the major gas users in the east coast gas market who all rely on…
Emily Wood | June 30, 2023
'... The EUAA appreciates the opportunity to make a submission on the Draft Bill. When the Queensland Energy and Jobs…
Emily Wood | June 22, 2023
'...The EUAA does not support the rule change as presented in the Consultation Paper (‘Paper’) because we do not consider…
Emily Wood | June 19, 2023
'...The EUAA was one of the proponents of the Material Change in Network Infrastructure Costs rule change. While our proposal…
Emily Wood | June 9, 2023
'...The EUAA supports an equitable transition of the NEM to reach net zero-emissions, constructed at least cost for a fit-for-purpose…
Emily Wood | May 29, 2023
'...The major information deficiencies in the gas transportation market have contributed to the east coast gas market being a significant…
Emily Wood | May 23, 2023
'...The EUAA understands that AEMO is concerned with potential positive feedback loop contingency events, whereby a disturbance happens in the…
Emily Wood | May 12, 2023
'...The EUAA welcomes the Federal Government’s decision to implement the Mandatory Gas Code. It is required because our first preference…
Emily Wood | May 4, 2023
'...The EUAA has been generally supportive of the RRO since its introduction. However recent events have led us to the…
Emily Wood | May 4, 2023
'... In summary the EUAA: Supports the current form of the reliability standard and consider the current form is still…
Emily Wood | April 24, 2023
'...Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the Review of Technical Requirements for Connection Under Schedules 5.2,…
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