The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121
Emily Wood | October 19, 2018
The debate around the competitiveness of the NEM has continued for many years. Consumers claim that generators have been “manipulating”…
Emily Wood | August 31, 2018
We have reviewed the Project Assessment Draft Report (PADR) and have consulted with other end user advocates who have been…
Emily Wood | August 22, 2018
In our submission on this matter in late July, the EUAA highlighted how our members had recently received invoices for…
Emily Wood | August 10, 2018
Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due…
Emily Wood | July 26, 2018
The current uncertain state of the NEM and the tightening supply/demand balance supports the need for AEMO to have an…
Emily Wood | July 13, 2018
We have reviewed the Emissions Guarantee elements of the NEG and are in general agreement with the approach adopted by…
Emily Wood | July 6, 2018
We are supportive of the NEG as we believe it has the potential to provide a level of stability to…
Emily Wood | July 2, 2018
In summary, the EUAA supports proposed amendments to the national energy laws to give the Australian Energy Regulator the power…
Emily Wood | June 8, 2018
The EUAA is a strong advocate for energy users and firmly believes that the primary objective of energy markets should…
Emily Wood | March 28, 2018
The EUAA welcomes the Commission’s recommendations in regarding a greater range of reference services, greater information disclosure and a fast…
Emily Wood | March 19, 2018
While what has been proposed in the Consultation Paper is far from perfect, we recognise that many policy options that…
Emily Wood | February 28, 2018
'The EUAA strongly supports the overall AER Draft Statement of approach. Key is flexibility around the issues the AER is…
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