The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121


EUAA Submission: COAG Consumer Participation in Revenue Determinations (Nov 2017)

Emily Wood | November 3, 2017

We are at a turning point in consumer participation in revenue determinations and associated regulatory processes. For many years consumer…

EUAA Submission – Competition and Consumer Amendment (abolition of Limited Merits Review) Bill 2017

Emily Wood | October 3, 2017

One of the key drivers of recent increases in electricity bills has been an unprecedented escalation in network tariffs. While…

EUAA Submission – Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism

Emily Wood | August 29, 2017

While a lot of public focus has been on ensuring sufficient gas for power generation over summer, commercial and industrial…

EUAA Submission – AEMC Review into the Scope of Economic Regulation Applied to Covered Pipelines

Emily Wood | August 14, 2017

We welcome this current examination of the regulatory structure applying to covered pipelines and in particular the opportunity to apply…

EUAA Submission – Gas Pipeline Information Disclosure and Arbitration Framework

Emily Wood | July 20, 2017

The key measures of success of the new framework will be the number of contracts successfully negotiated without recourse to…

EUAA Submission – ADGSM Guidelines

Emily Wood | June 12, 2017

There is no doubt that energy users, both large and small are experiencing unprecedented increases in both electricity and gas…

EUAA Submission – AEMC Draft Rule On New Planning Arrangements For Replacement Assets by Electricity Network Businesses

Emily Wood | June 6, 2017

The EUAA's previous submission on the draft rule on new planning arrangements for replacement assets by electricity network businesses strongly…

EUAA Submission – South Australian Energy Security Target

Emily Wood | May 26, 2017

While we welcome the intent of the South Australian government to improve system security we are concerned about the introduction of…

EUAA Submission: 2017 Federal Climate Change Review

Emily Wood | May 11, 2017

Over the last ten years Australia has given up its comparative advantage in competitively priced, highly reliable energy that has…

EUAA Submission to the Gas Pipeline Information Disclosure and Arbitration Framework review

Emily Wood | April 13, 2017

EUAA members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due…

EUAA Submission to The Independent Review into the Future Security of the National Electricity Market

Emily Wood | March 3, 2017

The EUAA is a strong advocate for energy users and firmly believe that the primary objective of energy markets should…

EUAA Submission: Commercial Arbitration Framework for Pipeline Access Disputes under the National Gas Law (8 February 2017)

Emily Wood | February 8, 2017

The annual energy bills paid by our members collectively amounts to many billions of dollars and constitutes a significant cost…

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