EUAA Submission: 2022 Reliability Standard and Settings Review

EUAA Submission: 2022 Reliability Standard and Settings Review

‘…This short submission supports the Draft Determination. The EUAA strongly supports the Reliability Panel continuing its current role regarding setting both the reliability standard and reliability settings for the existing energy only market. However, the lack of clarity in the Draft Determination prevents us from fully responding.  We need greater clarity on the Panel’s role […]

EUAA Submission: QREZ Delivering Queensland Renewable Energy Zones Technical Discussion Paper

‘…The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the QREZ Technical Discussion Paper – Delivering Queensland Renewable Energy Zones. We appreciate the Government’s willingness to undertake early stage engagement as it seeks to implement its 50% renewables policy by 2030. We find a lot to support in the general approach set out in the document […]

Draft 2022 ISP – AEMO Attempts To Navigate Energy Transition Pathway Uncertainty

The peak body representing Australia’s commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the release of the Draft 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP) and recognises the challenges identified in the plan of achieving a least cost pathway to net zero. The EUAA support the transition to net zero but we […]

EUAA Submission: Network Infrastructure Projects (NSW Roadmap) – Policy Paper 5

‘We have been involved in all Roadmap consultation process through our membership of the NSW Consumer Reference Group and we appreciate the Department establishing this Group to assist their engagement.  Overall we have found the Roadmap engagement process frustrating and far from the best practice approach that we regularly experience in our engagement with electricity […]

EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment – Removal of Unaccounted for Energy from Liable Load in the RRO

‘This is a short submission to support the proposed rule change ERC0033 In short: Supports this rule change being subject to the expedited process, and Supports the rule change request…’ Full submission attached.  

EUAA Submission: Energy Charter Independent Accountability Panel

‘…the EUAA is a strong supporter of the Energy Charter. We congratulate the signatories to the Energy Charter who are showing leadership by publicly stating their intention to shift their business and put the customer at the centre of their operations. We thank the Independent Accountability Panel for their work in assessing and reviewing the […]

EUAA Submission: Infrastructure Safeguard – NSW Roadmap

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EUAA Submission: Electricity Infrastructure Fund – NSW Roadmap

FPlease download attachment to read submission.

Energy Users Welcome Federal Plan & Hope it Brings A Less Partisan Approach To Climate & Energy Policy

Leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes today’s Emission Reduction Plan (the Plan) from the Federal Government and hopes it will be a catalyst for a less partisan approach to climate and energy policy so desperately needed in Australia. “Achieving deep emission cuts in Australia […]

EUAA Submission: Capacity Commitment Mechanism & Synchronous Service

‘…We support the submissions made by Shell Energy and Major Energy Users on this matter. The energy transition is requiring the exit of synchronous fossil fuelled generators that to date have provided all the essential system services as part of a bundled service with the provision of energy. The transition means these essential system services […]

EUAA Submission: ACCC Upstream Competition

‘…Given the heightened concerns over future gas supply and potential costs impacts on gas users, the EUAA welcomes this review. Successive ACCC reports have highlighted the lack of upstream competition that our members have faced for many years as they have sought bids to supply their gas needs. We are glad to see that the […]

EUAA Submission: Transmission Planning & Investment Review

‘The EUAA recognise the transition to a net zero energy system is inevitable. Therefore, the focus of our advocacy on behalf of energy users is not on the what (a net zero target) but on how we get there in the most efficient and least cost way. As the transition to net zero essentially requires […]

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