‘We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Transgrid Rule Change “Efficient Management of System Strength on the Power System”. The EUAA has had extensive discussions with the Commission as it considers this rule change. While the approach of system strength services being provided by a TNSP to a number of generators is […]
‘We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Post 2025 Market design Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and acknowledge the significant amount of work undertaken by all of those involved with the ESB. The active and increasing level of direct intervention by Commonwealth and State Governments has meant it has been difficult to respond […]
‘The Commission’s draft rule determination is to make a draft rule that is consistent with the solution proposed by Infigen Energy. This short submission supports the AEMC’s Draft Determination: That is consistent with the Infigen rule change request to introduce both a very fast raise service and a very fast lower service, and Applying the […]
‘…Powerlink’s Proposal provides an excellent perspective on the rapidly changing business and operating environment faced by electricity networks in the National Electricity Market. While it presents the proposed revenue requirement for the 2022-27 period, this is seen in the context of what needs to be done in that period to ensure it meets stakeholders needs […]
‘Our comments in this submission cover some, but not all, of the questions posed in the Issues Paper. Our main recommendations are around the need for a governance framework that allows increased transparency and ability for consumer engagement. This is crucial for consumers to be confident that the Roadmap will indeed meet its aim of […]
‘…Project Energy Connect (PEC) is a 60-70 year asset that consumers will be paying for over its entire life. We have real concerns that a combination of technological change and policy initiatives at a State level could result in it becoming a stranded asset prior to the end of its technical life. Given this, the […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes several positive funding announcements in the 2021 Federal Budget that are focused on accelerating the development and deployment of low emissions technologies in some of our hardest to abate industrial sectors. “Viable, low emissions technologies are simply not available for a number of large industrial sectors such […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the release of the National Gas Infrastructure Plan Interim Report and $58.6 million in gas related budget initiatives by the Federal Government, considering it another positive step out of the gas crisis that has gripped the domestic gas market for a number of years. “Large industrial gas users […]
As the pace of transition in our electricity markets accelerates, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the announcement of the Tallawarra B combined green hydrogen, gas power station for NSW. “With increasing amounts of renewable energy entering our energy markets, flexible generation that also provides inertia for system stability is welcomed,” said EUAA […]
As governments across Australia make commitments to decarbonise the economy, including the latest announcement from the Victorian Government over the weekend, ‘how’ we get there remains a largely unanswered question, observed the leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Australia is definitely on the path to decarbonisation […]
A draft package of gas pipeline reforms announced today are an important step towards improved transparency in gas markets and fairer outcomes for gas users and are welcomed by leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “This draft package continues the positive trend of recent pipeline reforms […]
The much-anticipated options paper from the Energy Security Board represents a herculean task of redesigning our energy markets and is welcomed by the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The EUAA congratulates Dr Kerry Schott AO and her team who have worked tirelessly under enormous pressure, consulting widely and considering a range of options and […]
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