Our diverse organisations together call for support for COVID economic recovery to urgently stimulate jobs and to rebuild a sustainable and strong economy. Australia faces a public health emergency with immediate economic impacts as well as longer-lasting global economic pain. Beyond the pandemic, Australian prosperity also depends on dealing with other long-term challenges – including […]
“Transitioning large energy users to low cost, low emission energy sources is one of the biggest opportunities and challenges we face in our energy transition,” said Energy Users’ Association of Australia Chief Executive Officer in welcoming the government’s The Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper. “The EUAA welcomes the government’s discussion paper,” said CEO Andrew Richards. “Identifying […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes Powerlink’s new Chief Executive Officer, Professor Paul Simshauser AM. “With a huge transition underway in our energy markets and with Powerlink at the front line with some huge projects seeking to connect into their network in Queensland, Paul’s expertise and experience comes at the perfect time for […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has created many challenges for all parts of the community and we are pleased to see many positive initiatives from energy industry to assist energy users during this time. While we have seen the Australian Energy Regulator set out its expectations during the crisis, we have also seen Energy Charter signatories take […]
‘We are writing in support of the continuation of the Energy Security Board (ESB). However, this support is conditional on the role, responsibilities and accountabilities of the ESB becoming better defined, that governance and transparency is improved and that an end date is agreed that aligns with the completion of the current Post 2025 market […]
‘It is becoming increasingly clear that energy users want more control over how they participate in the electricity market and in particular how they can take advantage of new technologies to manage their supply and costs. To facilitate this, they need a market framework that allows them to respond to market signals. In doing so […]
‘…New investments in energy infrastructure such as Project Marinus are not immune from these risks but are still likely be required over the coming decades as an enabler of the transition to a near zero energy market . Many of these investments will be designed to link different, sometimes remote generation resources to the market […]
‘Priorities and objectives for reporting on regulated electricity and gas network performance The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) is the peak body representing Australian energy users. Our membership covers a broad cross section of the Australian economy including significant retail, manufacturing and materials processing industries. Combined they employ over 1 million Australians, pay billions […]
The release today of Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) 2020 Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) is yet another reminder that the gas crisis gripping Australia over the last 5 years is a long way from being resolved. AEMO are forecasting the potential for significant supply shortfalls from 2023, driven by factors such as falling production […]
‘… The EUAA does not doubt the need for increased interconnection capacity between NSW and Victoria. Our concerns primarily is around whether: • the planning is appropriately co-ordinated • the assumptions are robust • the level of transparency is high …’ Please download attached submission for full details.
Leading advocate for large energy users in Australia, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), expressed disappointment at the lack of consultation and transparency on a bill, the National Electricity (Victoria) Amendment Act, that was rushed through the Victorian Parliament last night, enabling the Victorian Energy Minister to make determinations on expanding transmission in the […]
Today’s announcement that the Victorian Government will lift the conventional gas moratorium, with a directive that all new gas will be prioritised for the domestic market, is welcomed by the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “This is a sensible, pragmatic, science-based decision that will deliver benefits to the entire community and we congratulate the […]
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