‘As energy users we have no material view on thermal generator heat rates, but wanted to use this process to respond to your general invitation to comment on the updated cost benefit analysis. We recognise the difficulty faced by project proponents in such a challenging and highly volatile environment and appreciate that many assumptions and […]
The peak body representing large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), has welcomed the release of the Integrated System Plan (ISP) developed by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to enable the modernisation of our electricity grid. However, it cautioned that the costs and risks associated with it must […]
‘This submission begins with some general comments including discussions with the Consumer Reference Group. It then responds to the specific questions asked by the AER in its Discussion Paper. On the basis of the evidence presented so far, we see no reason to change from our position of support for the AER’s Final Decision in […]
‘As we noted in our previous submission on this matter, the EUAA recognises the need to comprehensively evaluate the best pathways to a decentralized and decarbonised electricity system. The challenges that uncertainty on the timing of thermal plant retirement, increasing extreme weather events and the integration of new and emerging technologies, all require sophisticated analysis […]
‘We welcome this opportunity to provide our initial views on the Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper and look forward to participating in the various stakeholder engagement pathways. The discussion paper comes at an opportune time given the transition of energy markets is well underway and gaining in momentum. Over the last decade, a number of […]
‘Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the Energy Security Target and Safeguard Consultation Paper. We also acknowledge the time and effort taken by the Department of Planning, industry and Environment to consult with stakeholders on these important issues. This submission sets out some key policy and regulatory principles that guide the […]
The opening up of conventional onshore gas fields in Victoria from 1 July 2021 is a welcomed step towards ensuring sufficient gas for vital manufacturing in the state, said the leading advocate for large energy users, Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “We congratulate the Victorian government and welcome this sensible outcome which we expect […]
‘The EUAA has been very supportive of the extensive work undertaken by the AER to obtain robust estimates of the value of customer reliability published in December 2019. We consider that the values obtained will provide a sound basis for a variety of policy applications in network planning, regulation and pricing. In our submission in […]
‘The EUAA supports the move to 5 minute settlement in the National Electricity Market. We also recognise the risks that COVID-19 is imposing on energy markets and participants and the restrictions it places on their ability to operate normally. We support this rule change being considered as an urgent rule change request.’ Please download attached […]
Our diverse organisations together call for support for COVID economic recovery to urgently stimulate jobs and to rebuild a sustainable and strong economy. Australia faces a public health emergency with immediate economic impacts as well as longer-lasting global economic pain. Beyond the pandemic, Australian prosperity also depends on dealing with other long-term challenges – including […]
“Transitioning large energy users to low cost, low emission energy sources is one of the biggest opportunities and challenges we face in our energy transition,” said Energy Users’ Association of Australia Chief Executive Officer in welcoming the government’s The Technology Investment Roadmap discussion paper. “The EUAA welcomes the government’s discussion paper,” said CEO Andrew Richards. “Identifying […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes Powerlink’s new Chief Executive Officer, Professor Paul Simshauser AM. “With a huge transition underway in our energy markets and with Powerlink at the front line with some huge projects seeking to connect into their network in Queensland, Paul’s expertise and experience comes at the perfect time for […]
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