The Victorian Liberal party’s plan to lift the conventional gas moratorium in Victoria is welcomed by the peak body representing large energy users in Australia, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Gas plays an essential part of Australians’ lives and in many cases, there is no viable substitute for it in most of our […]
‘The EUAA welcomes this opportunity to comment on the Draft 2020 Integrated System Plan (ISP) and congratulate AEMO on the improvements to stakeholder engagement in recent months. We encourage AEMO to continue to evolve its approach to stakeholder engagement as a means of improving understanding of the ISP and building stakeholder trust in the outcome. […]
‘In our earlier submission on this matter, we strongly supported the development of the sandbox toolkit…’ Please download attachment to read full submission.
Representing some of the largest gas users in the country who produce many essential goods and services used by the community every day, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) is not surprised by the latest from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) out yesterday (Feb 18) that identifies many issues remain in the […]
The peak body representing large energy users in Australia, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) are very concerned with the Victorian Government’s reported plan to ignore energy market rules and ‘go it alone’ on grid augmentation. “While there is certainly potential to improve the rules governing the energy market and regulated grid investments, they […]
‘We agree with the intent of the ISP process to speed up consideration of the network investment required to underpin the transformation to a lower carbon NEM and efficiently manage the closure of thermal power stations. However, this should not be at the expense of appropriate safeguards and sound governance practices such as independent assessment […]
Welcoming today’s joint announcement from the Federal and NSW Governments that support a range of initiatives intended to improve energy flow and flexibility, increase domestic gas supply, integrate renewable energy and enhance reliability in NSW, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) said that this kind of joint agreement and collaboration is critical to overcome […]
‘The foundation of the new rules is the assumption that the consultation process on the ISP will provide sufficient opportunity for stakeholders to provide input into the debate on assumptions and modelling methodology. On this basis it is proposed that disputes can only be raised on matters of process, and only after the final ISP […]
Representing many of Australia’s largest energy users, including some that spend almost $1 million each day on gas, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) supports the continuation of the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism (ADGSM) and the government’s commitment to consider policies that increase domestic gas supply and competition. “We welcome the findings of […]
‘We support the development of the ISP and see it having a crucial role in facilitating this transition pathway at the most efficient cost to consumers, provided there is thorough, transparent and respectful engagement along with rigorous, independent oversight of costs and benefits. Therefore, the EUAA is focused on ensuring the development of the ISP […]
‘We support the development of the ISP and see it having a crucial role in facilitating this transition pathway at the most efficient cost to consumers, provided there is thorough, transparent and respectful engagement. This engagement must go beyond a “show and tell” approach where consumers are simply presented with an ISP that has been […]
‘While we recognise that parts of the network are experiencing congestion, which is reflected in declining MLF’s, we do not see how diluting this important market signal will lead to better outcomes for those impacted generators or consumers. In fact, in moving from MLF to ALF, congestion may in fact worsen resulting in periods of […]
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