The Next Government Must Solve the Gas Crisis

The Next Government Must Solve the Gas Crisis

The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) which represents many of Australia’s largest gas users, has today released a National Gas Strategy Discussion Paper that poses a range of potential solutions to the gas crisis gripping the east coast and calls for the next government to make gas market reform a priority. “Whoever wins the […]

Maximum Flexibility Key to Climate Action Success

The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), which represents many of Australia’s largest energy users, has welcomed Federal Labor’s commitment to work with business to reduce emissions should they form government.  The EUAA believes Australia should act on climate change and meet our proportional international climate change responsibilities. We are of the view that a […]

Governments Must Make Gas a Priority

The release of the 2019 Gas Statement of Opportunities (GSOO) by Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) again highlights the perilous situation facing Australian gas users, said the peak body representing some of the largest gas and electricity users in Australia, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The 2019 GSOO identifies the potential for significant […]

ACCC Confirms Gas Market Reform Must be a Priority

Comments made by ACCC chair, Rod Sims, on March 5, about the growing impact of gas price rises and reduced contracting options echo the warnings given by large energy users over many years, said Energy Users’ Association of Australia Chief Executive Officer, Mr Andrew Richards. “Sadly, manufacturers feel largely ignored by governments who have talked […]

Snowy 2.0 Clarity Welcomed by Energy Users

The peak body representing large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomed today’s announcement by the Federal Government that clarifies the future of the Snowy 2.0 project. “The future of Snowy 2.0 had become increasingly murky, adding yet another variable to the energy investment environment,” said EUAA Chief Executive […]

Funding Annoucement Highlights Energy Policy Vacuum

The peak body representing large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), today said the Federal Government’s announcement to increase funding for climate change related activities highlights the lack of long-term energy and climate change policy. “Yesterday’s announcement by the Federal Government to increase funding to improve Australia’s response to […]

Energy Users Key to Energy Market Innovation

The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) congratulates Australian Paper and Suez on their joint venture to establish a waste to energy facility at the Maryvale Mill which has been announced today. “This exciting project creates new jobs, on-site energy and meaningful waste reduction and is a great example of the innovation that large energy […]

AEMC Draft Determination on RERT Enhancement Highlights the Importance of an Efficient Market

Australia’s leading advocate for large energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes today’s draft determination by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) on the Enhancement to the Reliability and Reserve Trader (RERT). “The RERT Mechanism is a valuable tool to manage emergencies but it is costly with just one instance last year leaving […]

Gas Crisis Hasn’t Gone Away

Today’s release by the ACCC, the Gas Inquiry 2017-2020 Interim Report, clearly shows that the gas crisis still has an iron grip on Australia’s manufacturing, chemicals and food processing industries.  “Efforts to alleviate the gas crisis by governments and regulators have been insufficient and an accelerated program of gas market reform and targeted assistance is required […]

Joint statement: Proposed Electricity Price Monitoring and Response Powers

Australia’s business community and the energy sector urge the Australian Government to abandon proposed legislation that will impede the broader investment environment in Australia and specifically discourage badly needed investment in the energy sector. The signatories* to this statement are robustly opposed to the creation of unilateral divestment powers for the Treasurer. Such discretionary and […]

The Energy War has Left us with Limited Options

So, it has come to this. After more than a decade of open warfare on energy and climate change policy, it now appears our next best option is a collection of market interventions and direct government investment. “Today’s energy policy announcement by Federal Labor recognises the unfortunate reality that gaining long-term bipartisan agreement on energy […]

EUAA Welcomes Federal Government Energy Consultation Paper  

The peak body representing large energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the Federal Government’s Underwriting New Generation Investment consultation paper which proposes a number of strategies aimed at addressing some fundamental issues within the electricity sector. The consultation paper outlines opportunities to bring greater certainty to financing new investment which aims […]

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