The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), the peak body representing large energy consumers, encourages all states and territory governments to work proactively and constructively at Friday’s COAG discussions to further the design and potential of the National Energy Guarantee (NEG). “National energy policy is vital to ensure long term downward pressure on energy prices, […]
With the COAG Energy Council meeting later this week to consider the National Energy Guarantee, our organisations call for further progress to be made towards designing a workable solution which addresses emissions reduction, reliability, and affordability across our energy system. Australian industry and households alike require competitively priced energy. Reliable supply is critical to our […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes comments reported in media today from the Minister for the Environment and Energy, the Hon Josh Frydenberg, that brings a refreshing dose of reality and pragmatism to the energy debate. “The Minister’s comments give hope to energy users who are seeking a solution to the energy crisis […]
Reports today of the formation of a new company, Australian Industrial Energy (AIE), that will provide a new source of gas into the Australian eastern energy market is welcomed by the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Gas continues to be a key pressure point for many businesses in eastern states with prices still higher […]
The peak body representing large energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the release of the National Energy Guarantee Draft Design Discussion Paper by the Energy Security Board (ESB). “Energy stakeholders, including major commercial and industrial energy users, have been stuck in energy policy hell for a number of years which has […]
The peak body representing large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the ACCC’s second interim gas market report and recognises it shows some progress has been made. However, the gas crisis afflicting a majority of industrial and commercial gas users remains a significant issue that requires more reform. As the ACCC […]
The peak body representing large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the decision by Essential Energy to not proceed with proposed increases in regulated network prices. “Essential Energy’s decision will bring relief to NSW energy consumers and help to ease the pressure on business who are suffering with escalating energy bills […]
The peak body representing large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA), welcomes the intent of COAG Energy Ministers to keep working on the National Energy Guarantee (NEG). “We have been going backwards on energy policy for the last decade and that has been a disaster for energy users who are losing faith […]
Representatives of Australia’s businesses, communities, environment, energy industry and workers are calling on the Commonwealth and States to work together in good faith and a spirit of compromise to make further development of the National Energy Guarantee (the Guarantee) their top priority. Australia is suffering unsustainably high electricity prices and rising emissions, and our reliability […]
The peak body representing large energy users, the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA), cautiously welcomes the federal coalition announcement that they will pursue a National Energy Guarantee (NEG). The NEG seeks to provide a technology neutral platform and deliver reliable, secure and affordable energy to consumers while lowering emissions over time. “The most critical […]
Today’s interim ACCC report confirms what the EUAA have been saying for some time; we are in the middle of an energy crisis almost entirely of our own making. Without an urgent response by our political leaders to a bipartisan national energy policy, the situation is unlikely to change, said the Energy Users Association of […]
The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the recently released energy policy blueprint by the South Australian Liberal Party. “The SA Liberals energy policy brings together a suite of initiatives that together will help create better outcomes for energy consumers, improve reliability and hopefully make energy more affordable, “said EUAA Chief Executive Officer, Andrew […]
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