The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121


EUAA Submission: Improving Consultation Procedures in the Rules

Emily Wood | February 3, 2022

'...The EUAA appreciates recent efforts by the energy industry, regulatory bodies and governments to improve stakeholder engagement and to ensure…

EUAA Submission: 2022 Reliability Standard and Settings Review

Emily Wood | February 3, 2022

'...This short submission supports the Draft Determination. The EUAA strongly supports the Reliability Panel continuing its current role regarding setting…

EUAA Submission: QREZ Delivering Queensland Renewable Energy Zones Technical Discussion Paper

Emily Wood | January 18, 2022

'...The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to comment on the QREZ Technical Discussion Paper – Delivering Queensland Renewable Energy Zones. We…

EUAA Submission: Network Infrastructure Projects (NSW Roadmap) – Policy Paper 5

Emily Wood | November 12, 2021

'We have been involved in all Roadmap consultation process through our membership of the NSW Consumer Reference Group and we…

EUAA Submission: National Electricity Amendment – Removal of Unaccounted for Energy from Liable Load in the RRO

Emily Wood | November 11, 2021

'This is a short submission to support the proposed rule change ERC0033 In short: Supports this rule change being subject…

EUAA Submission: Energy Charter Independent Accountability Panel

Emily Wood | November 8, 2021

'...the EUAA is a strong supporter of the Energy Charter. We congratulate the signatories to the Energy Charter who are…

EUAA Submission: Infrastructure Safeguard – NSW Roadmap

Emily Wood | October 27, 2021

Please download attachment to read submission.

EUAA Submission: Electricity Infrastructure Fund – NSW Roadmap

Emily Wood | October 27, 2021

FPlease download attachment to read submission.

EUAA Submission: Capacity Commitment Mechanism & Synchronous Service

Emily Wood | October 21, 2021

'...We support the submissions made by Shell Energy and Major Energy Users on this matter. The energy transition is requiring…

EUAA Submission: ACCC Upstream Competition

Emily Wood | October 15, 2021

'...Given the heightened concerns over future gas supply and potential costs impacts on gas users, the EUAA welcomes this review.…

EUAA Submission: Transmission Planning & Investment Review

Emily Wood | September 30, 2021

'The EUAA recognise the transition to a net zero energy system is inevitable. Therefore, the focus of our advocacy on…

Joint Submission: Transmission Planning Investment Review Consultation Paper (Chapter Five)

Emily Wood | September 30, 2021

'Submission on Chapter 5 - Material Change in Network Infrastructure Project Costs Rule Change Request This is a joint submissions…

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