The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121
Emily Wood | September 23, 2021
'This submission supports all of the issues raised on the rule change request in a submissions on this matter made…
Emily Wood | September 14, 2021
'As we have stated in previous submissions, we would prefer a nationally consistent approach to climate and energy policy and…
Emily Wood | August 4, 2021
'Being energy intensive business, our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been…
Emily Wood | August 3, 2021
'....In our earlier submission on this matter and subsequent discussions with the ACCC, we argued in particular for the ACCC…
Emily Wood | June 29, 2021
'We are writing in response to the application to the Australian Energy Regulator by Telstra Energy (Retail) Pty Ltd (Telstra…
Emily Wood | June 17, 2021
'We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Transgrid Rule Change “Efficient Management of System Strength on the…
Emily Wood | June 9, 2021
'We welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the Post 2025 Market design Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and acknowledge…
Emily Wood | June 3, 2021
'The Commission’s draft rule determination is to make a draft rule that is consistent with the solution proposed by Infigen…
Emily Wood | May 26, 2021
'...Powerlink’s Proposal provides an excellent perspective on the rapidly changing business and operating environment faced by electricity networks in the…
Emily Wood | May 24, 2021
'Our comments in this submission cover some, but not all, of the questions posed in the Issues Paper. Our main…
Emily Wood | May 17, 2021
'...Project Energy Connect (PEC) is a 60-70 year asset that consumers will be paying for over its entire life. We…
Emily Wood | April 12, 2021
'... We welcome the opportunity to provide a submission on the calculation of the LNG netback price series. The publication…
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