The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121


EUAA Submission: Review of the Reliability Standard & Guidelines

Emily Wood | April 8, 2021

'...In summary, the EUAA does not see any need to review the Reliability and Standard setting guidelines prior to the…

EUAA Submission: Financeability of ISP Projects

Emily Wood | March 18, 2021

'The EUAA strongly supports the Draft Rule Determination of the Commission to not make the proposed participant derogation. We are…

EUAA Submission: ESB Renewable Energy Zones Consultation Paper

Emily Wood | February 12, 2021

'...The EUAA welcome this opportunity to make submission to the Renewable Energy Zones Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and commend the…

EUAA Submission: Regulation of Actionable ISP Projects

Emily Wood | February 5, 2021

'The EUAA very supportive of the development of this guidance note. We have been critical of the poor record AEMO…

EUAA Submission: AusNet Services Electricity Distribution Determination for 2021-26

Emily Wood | January 8, 2021

'The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) is the peak body representing Australian commercial and industrial energy users. Our membership…

EUAA Submission: Reliability Forecast Guidelines Issues Paper

Emily Wood | December 17, 2020

'Our overall concern about the approach AEMO is taking is that it is, in many cases, effectively forecaster and arbitrator…

EUAA Submission: Participant Derogation – ERC0320, ERC0322

Emily Wood | December 3, 2020

'Much of Australian manufacturing industry has been built on the availability of internationally competitive and reliable electricity supply. This international…

EUAA Submission: Transparency of Unserved Energy Calculation

Emily Wood | October 22, 2020

'The EUAA write to support the overall direction of this rule change to bring increased transparency to the measurement and…

EUAA Submission: CAPM and Alternative Return on Equity Models

Emily Wood | October 9, 2020

'Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due…

EUAA Submission: National Transmission Planner Costs

Emily Wood | September 25, 2020

'The EUAA supports this rule change to bring clarity to the process for recovering National Transmission Planner (NTP) costs and…

EUAA Submission: AEMO Electricity Fee Structure

Emily Wood | September 23, 2020

'The EUAA agrees with the AEMO that significant changes in the NEM since the last review of the fee structure…

EUAA Submission: Distributed Energy Resources Integration

Emily Wood | September 10, 2020

'We agree with the Commission’s, and the rule change proposers’ views that the current regulatory framework needs to be continually…

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