The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121


EUAA Submission: Renewing AEMO’s Engagement Model

Emily Wood | August 28, 2020

'We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Renewing AEMO’s engagement model discussion options paper (options paper) and commend AEMO…


Emily Wood | August 28, 2020

Amendments to the Reliability Standard Implementation Guidelines, MT PASA Process Description and Energy Adequacy Assessment Projection Guidelines Consultation Draft Determination…

EUAA Submission: System Services Rule Changes

Emily Wood | August 13, 2020

'We welcome the opportunity to respond to the System Services Rule Changes Consultation Paper (Consultation Paper) and appreciate the work…

EUAA Submission: Thermal Generator Variable Heat Rates

Emily Wood | August 7, 2020

'As energy users we have no material view on thermal generator heat rates, but wanted to use this process to…

EUAA Submission: Regulatory Treatment of Inflation

Emily Wood | July 29, 2020

'This submission begins with some general comments including discussions with the Consumer Reference Group. It then responds to the specific…

EUAA Submission: Draft Guidelines to make ISP Actionable

Emily Wood | June 26, 2020

'As we noted in our previous submission on this matter, the EUAA recognises the need to comprehensively evaluate the best…

EUAA Submission: Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper

Emily Wood | June 23, 2020

'We welcome this opportunity to provide our initial views on the Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper and look forward to…

EUAA Submission: NSW Energy Security Target and Safeguard

Emily Wood | June 22, 2020

'Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission to the Energy Security Target and Safeguard Consultation Paper. We also…

EUAA Submission: Widespread and Long-term Outages (WALDO) – Value of Customer Reliability

Emily Wood | June 5, 2020

'The EUAA has been very supportive of the extensive work undertaken by the AER to obtain robust estimates of the…

EUAA Submission: NEM Rule Amendment – Delayed Implementation of Five Minute Rule Change and Global Settlement

Emily Wood | May 28, 2020

'The EUAA supports the move to 5 minute settlement in the National Electricity Market. We also recognise the risks that…

EUAA Submission: Energy Security Board Review

Emily Wood | May 13, 2020

'We are writing in support of the continuation of the Energy Security Board (ESB). However, this support is conditional on…

EUAA Submission: Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism

Emily Wood | April 23, 2020

'It is becoming increasingly clear that energy users want more control over how they participate in the electricity market and…

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