The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121
Emily Wood | April 6, 2020
'...New investments in energy infrastructure such as Project Marinus are not immune from these risks but are still likely be…
Emily Wood | March 31, 2020
'Priorities and objectives for reporting on regulated electricity and gas network performance The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) is…
Emily Wood | March 18, 2020
'... The EUAA does not doubt the need for increased interconnection capacity between NSW and Victoria. Our concerns primarily is…
Emily Wood | February 21, 2020
'The EUAA welcomes this opportunity to comment on the Draft 2020 Integrated System Plan (ISP) and congratulate AEMO on the…
Emily Wood | February 20, 2020
'In our earlier submission on this matter, we strongly supported the development of the sandbox toolkit...' Please download attachment to…
Emily Wood | February 3, 2020
'We agree with the intent of the ISP process to speed up consideration of the network investment required to underpin…
Emily Wood | January 31, 2020
'The foundation of the new rules is the assumption that the consultation process on the ISP will provide sufficient opportunity…
Emily Wood | January 22, 2020
'We support the development of the ISP and see it having a crucial role in facilitating this transition pathway at…
Emily Wood | January 22, 2020
'We support the development of the ISP and see it having a crucial role in facilitating this transition pathway at…
Emily Wood | January 16, 2020
'While we recognise that parts of the network are experiencing congestion, which is reflected in declining MLF’s, we do not…
Emily Wood | January 13, 2020
The EUAA supports the preferable rule change made by the Commission and support the Commission’s conclusions from its assessment framework.…
Emily Wood | December 23, 2019
'Our focus in this submission is the east coast gas market. We begin by outlining the key themes of our…
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