The EUAA is a leading voice representing a critical network companies. For all media queries relating to energy user issues and requests for interview with our CEO, please contact Emily Wood on 0421 042 121
Emily Wood | November 21, 2019
'In this current application, the Victorian Government, drawing on the August 2019 AEMO ESOO and other sources, argues that there…
Emily Wood | November 7, 2019
'EUAA members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due…
Emily Wood | November 6, 2019
The EUAA welcomes the opportunity to make some brief comments on this consultation paper. Full submission attached...
Emily Wood | October 28, 2019
See attached submission.
Emily Wood | October 28, 2019
Submission attached.
Emily Wood | October 28, 2019
Thank you for the opportunity to provide a submission to the Energy Charter Accountability Panel. The EUAA is supportive of…
Emily Wood | September 30, 2019
' is with a strong sense of Deja Vu that we welcome the opportunity to make a submission to the…
Emily Wood | September 25, 2019
The information asymmetry that exists between the gas supply chain and gas users is an issue the EUAA has been…
Emily Wood | September 12, 2019
The EUAA is very supportive of the approach taken by the AEMC in its Draft Rule Determination of the Wholesale…
Emily Wood | September 11, 2019
Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due…
Emily Wood | September 11, 2019
We were a strong supporter of the Vertigan reforms that set up the information disclosure and arbitration framework for unregulated…
Emily Wood | September 6, 2019
'Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due…
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