EUAA Submission: Participant Derogation – ERC0320, ERC0322

EUAA Submission: Participant Derogation – ERC0320, ERC0322

‘Much of Australian manufacturing industry has been built on the availability of internationally competitive and reliable electricity supply. This international competitiveness has been severely challenged in recent years due to a range of factors including rising gas and coal prices, the sometimes chaotic transformation of energy markets and climate policy uncertainty. The EUAA recognise the […]

Domestic Gas Market Crucial to Manufacturing Jobs and Least Cost Transition to Low Emission Energy

The peak body representing large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) has urged governments, the gas industry and industrial gas users to remain focussed on building a strong domestic gas market to preserve the industries that are crucial to producing many household items we use every day. Reacting to […]

NSW Sets Its Own Energy Course – Energy Users Urge Caution And Ask for National Consistency

The peak body representing large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) has expressed concern that the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap (NSW Roadmap) is another example of a state government taking independent action instead of working to consolidate a nationally consistent approach to energy policy. The EUAA, along with many […]

Market Participants Not Governments Should Be Required To Ensure Energy Supply Is Fit For Purpose

While the addition of a big battery in western Victoria will help stabilise the grid and add new flexibility and fast response capabilities, the peak body representing large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) are concerned about growing levels of government intervention in energy markets. “The energy market is […]

EUAA Submission: Transparency of Unserved Energy Calculation

‘The EUAA write to support the overall direction of this rule change to bring increased transparency to the measurement and reporting of USE. However, we share ERM’s concerns around the intent of the proposed addition of…’ Please download attached to read full submission.

ALP’s ‘Rewiring the Nation’ Proposal Could Help Shield Consumers From Future Costs and Risk

Australia’s leading advocate for commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), believes the Australia Labour Party’s (ALP) proposal Rewiring the Nation has the potential to help shield energy consumers from some of the costs and risks associated with the transition underway in energy markets, and says it warrants consideration. “While […]

EUAA Submission: CAPM and Alternative Return on Equity Models

‘Our members are highly exposed to movements in both gas and electricity prices and have been under increasing stress due to escalating energy costs. These increased costs are either absorbed by the business, making it more difficult to maintain existing levels of employment or passed through to consumers in the form of increases in the […]

Narrabri Project Approval Expected to Ease Pressure on Domestic on Domestic Gas Supply

The approval of the Narrabri Gas Project is welcomed by the leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users in Australia, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), due to the commitment Santos has repeatedly given to use it to supply the domestic market. “Increasing domestic gas supply is part of a suite of […]

Audrey Zibelman Made Important Changes to Energy Markets at a Time it was Most Needed

The leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users in Australia, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) wishes Audrey Zibelman, outgoing Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Managing Director of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), well in her new role leading a global clean energy team at X company. “Audrey has brought new […]

Extension to Eastern Gas Pipeline Welcomed

Jemena’s announcement today that it will extend and increase capacity of its Eastern Gas Pipeline (EGP) is welcomed by leading advocate for large commercial and industrial energy users, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “Solving the many issues confronting the domestic gas market is complex, with additional pipeline capacity being a key part of […]

EUAA Submission: National Transmission Planner Costs

‘The EUAA supports this rule change to bring clarity to the process for recovering National Transmission Planner (NTP) costs and enable the policy intent of the ISP rules to be achieved. Our purpose in making this submission is to highlight the significant increase in NTP costs in recent years given AEMO’s preparation of the Integrated […]

EUAA Submission: AEMO Electricity Fee Structure

‘The EUAA agrees with the AEMO that significant changes in the NEM since the last review of the fee structure means it is appropriate to undertake this review. While we acknowledge that this review is not about the annual budget and fees, it cannot be separated from that. A necessary pre-requisite for a fee structure […]

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