Integrated System Plan should not be seen as a green light to overbuild our energy system…..again.

Integrated System Plan should not be seen as a green light to overbuild our energy system…..again.

The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the release of the Integrated System Plan (ISP) by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and acknowledges that a greater level of centralised planning is required to deliver a least cost outcome for consumers. However, this least cost outcome will fail to materialise if it triggers another round […]

EUAA Submission: NEG Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper

We have reviewed the Emissions Guarantee elements of the NEG and are in general agreement with the approach adopted by the ESB. The introduction of the Emissions Registry (the registry) is a welcome step towards greater coordination of the various state and federal emissions reduction activities. We encourage the ESB to consider the ability of […]

ACCC Confirms that Customers are Important

The Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the ACCC Retail Electricity Pricing Report that confirms customers are important and that delivering better outcomes for them should be the enduring focus of energy market reform. “The ACCC has conducted an exhaustive investigation into the Australian retail energy market and found that in many cases, customers […]

EUAA Submission: National Energy Guarantee Commonwealth Elements

We are supportive of the NEG as we believe it has the potential to provide a level of stability to the transition of energy markets that is already underway and is set to continue for some years to come. If the architecture of the NEG is coupled with enduring bipartisan support we believe it will […]

Australian Energy Market Commission Gas Market Reforms a Positive Step for Consumers

The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) has welcomed today’s release of the final report into key gas market reforms by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) that will help put downward pressure on gas prices for consumers. The Review into the Scope of Economic Regulation Applied to Covered Pipelines Final Report makes numerous recommendations that […]

EUAA Submission: AER Powers and Civil Penalty Regime

In summary, the EUAA supports proposed amendments to the national energy laws to give the Australian Energy Regulator the power to compel individuals to appear before it and give evidence. We agree with the conclusions of the 2013 Review of Enforcement regimes under the National Energy Laws that this power would provide the AER’s power […]

Energy Users Welcome Next Stage of NEG, Questions Remain over Some Policy Details

Australia’s peak body representing large energy consumers, the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA) welcomes the latest details about the National Energy Guarantee (NEG) released today (15 June 2018). “The Energy Security Board (ESB) has worked hard in a limited timeframe to bring the NEG to this point and we welcome their commitment to developing […]

AGL’S Crib Point Import Terminal Commitment Another Positive Sign for Energy Users

AGL’S announcement to commit $37m to further its Crib Point LNG import terminal has been welcomed by the Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA) as positive signal for energy users that rely on gas for manufacturing. “While gas prices and availability have marginally improved this year, it continues to be a high-priced fuel putting manufacturers […]

EUAA Submission: Value of Customer Reliability Rule Change

The EUAA is a strong advocate for energy users and firmly believes that the primary objective of energy markets should be to serve the long-term interests of the consumer as stated in the NEO and NGO. There can be no doubt that energy users, both large and small, are experiencing unprecedented increases in both electricity […]

Proposed Port Kembla LNG Import Terminal Welcomed By Energy Users

Today’s announcement that Port Kembla has been identified as a possible site for a new LNG import terminal is welcomed by the Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA). “The EUAA represents large energy users that include many who rely on gas to make the products we use every day, including bricks, plastics and fertilisers. We […]

2018 National Conference Wrap

The 2018 National Conference: Future Thinking held on May 2-3 at Etihad Stadium in Melbourne brought together a broad range of speakers from across the energy landscape.  We would like to thank all those who participated in the event as speakers, sponsors and delegates.  Your valuable contributions and support are the key to making this […]

COAG Heading in the Right Direction on National Energy Guarantee

The Energy Users’ Association of Australia (EUAA), the peak body representing large energy consumers, welcomes progress made today at the COAG Energy Ministers meeting where Federal and State governments have agreed to continue working towards finalising the National Energy Guarantee (NEG). “While more work still needs to be done, we welcome the bipartisan support for […]

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