‘…Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission for AEMC’s Draft Determination for the Enhancing Reserve Information (formerly the Operating Reserve Market) rule change. This submission supports the submission made by EUAA Supporting Member, Shell Energy on this matter. EUAA is supportive of the AEMC’s draft determination in that: the AEMC will not proceed […]
‘… Thank you for the opportunity to make a submission under the Forecast Accuracy Report (FAR) Methodology. The EUAA understands that currently the FAR reviews the accuracy of forecasting in medium-term to planning time-frames, including the Electricity Statement of Opportunity (ESOO), Medium Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (MT PASA), large industrial load (LIL), demand […]
‘… The EUAA understands that currently the FAR reviews the accuracy of forecasting in medium-term to planning time-frames, including the Electricity Statement of Opportunity (ESOO), Medium Term Projected Assessment of System Adequacy (MT PASA), large industrial load (LIL), demand response (DR), Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO), the Integrated System Plan (ISP) etc. The EUAA considers that the […]
‘… As we transition from a highly centralised generation system dominated by dispatchable thermal resources to a highly decentralised system dominated by Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) resources a number of key challenges are becoming apparent. Traditional dispatchable fossil fuelled generators that to date have provided energy users with a bundle of services that were folded […]
‘… The EUAA notes that the NSW government has chosen a market-based approach, which for renewable fuel increases the cost for consumers, in addition to the increased cost from transitioning to renewable fuel (it is known that biomethane costs more than fossil gas and green hydrogen is even more expensive). The EUAA recommends that the […]
‘… The EUAA contends that an orderly exit framework for the transition to 100% renewable energy is long overdue, with jurisdictions taking an ad-hoc approach to-date. The EUAA welcomes the Consultation Paper to establish a formal process for the orderly exit of coal. The EUAA notes that the OEM Framework is likely only to apply […]
‘… The EUAA agrees with the AEMC and AER that the current Electricity Compensation Frameworks (Frameworks) led to inefficient outcomes during the market events of June 2022, prompting generators to withdraw bids from the NEM during the Administered Price Period (APP) and subsequent Market Suspension and instead waited until AEMO Directions were given to generate. […]
‘…The EUAA is pleased to see that in writing the draft determination, the AEMC has taken the view to minimise the financial impact of MPFR on utility scale batteries that may have resulted in inefficient operation and dispatch of them. The EUAA supports the AEMC’s draft determination that will result in utility scale batteries having […]
‘…The EUAA considers that the draft determination presented by the AEMC strikes the right balance and provides the right guardrails for a new gas compensation and dispute resolution framework through: Improved governance and procedural arrangements that improve transparency and are fit for purpose; Eligible costs to be limited to direct costs; That only claims over […]
Mediation over arbitration in any situation is typically less costly and quicker when resolving a dispute. It’s now an option for small gas shippers to use in pipeline access disputes following reforms earlier this year to the gas pipeline regulatory framework. The AER welcomed these reforms to make it easier for small shippers to resolve […]
‘…In previous submissions on this matter the EUAA[1]: Supported the current form of the reliability standard and considered the current form is still the best option in a renewables dominant grid, Supported the continued use of the AER VCR values to assess what consumers are prepared to pay for reliability, Recommended that the Panel takes […]
‘…The EUAA has concerns regarding the negative impact that system strength provided through Transmission Network Service Provider’s who are also System Strength Service Providers (SSSP’s) may have on consumer bills. These concerns include: over-investment in system strength that leaves significant under-utilised system strength assets in a TNSP’s Regulatory Asset Base (RAB) which flows through to […]
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